
The Employers' Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA represents 25 leading pharmaceutical companies engaged in research and development activities and the production of innovative medicines.

INFARMA is a member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) - an international organization of the innovative pharmaceutical industry, the Employers of Poland (Pracodawcy RP) and the Polish Chamber of Commerce.

INFARMA’s objective is taking initiatives which positively influence the creation of system solutions in the field of healthcare in Poland. Such solutions should allow Polish patients access to modern and the most effective treatments so that Polish norms of treatment meet the global standards.

Through its activities INFARMA would like to indicate that the presence of global pharmaceutical companies on the Polish market grants Polish patients access to modern drugs which greatly influences the improvement of public health. Furthermore, the Polish economy benefits as well – in the form of investment, taxation and transfer of knowledge.

Respecting high ethical standards, in 2008 the innovative pharmaceutical companies associated in INFARMA adopted The Pharmaceutical Industry Code of Good Practices which sets standards for: the promotion and advertising of medicinal products, the organization of symposia, congresses and other scientific meetings, the administration of research and the collaboration with representatives of medical professions and patients' organizations.

1st January 2015 the INFARMA member companies implemented the EFPIA Disclosure Code in their businesses – a self-regulation of the innovative pharmaceutical industry initiated by the EFPIA setting ethical principles of cooperation with medical professions and healthcare organizations.

2025 © Copyright: Związek Pracodawców Innowacyjnych Firm Farmaceutycznych INFARMA
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