Safety of medicines

Pharmacovigilance, i.e. the supervisory system over pharmacotherapy (from the Greek pharmakon - drug and Latin vigilare - stay alert), according to the WHO is defined as: "undertaking activities including discovery, monitoring, evaluation and prevention of adverse reaction associated with the use of medicinal products".

The system of pharmacovigilance consists of many elements, but the most important one is the people - their experience, commitment and years of accumulated knowledge. The key to the whole process is to understand that without the provision of information on adverse drug reactions, it is not possible for the supervisory system to fulfil its tasks properly.

While the product is on the market, it is administered to a broader patient population than in clinical trials and in the long-term perspective its therapeutic efficacy or potential drug interactions can be better assessed. Gathering knowledge about medicines is possible thanks to the observations of patients and their responses to a particular drug and transmitting that information to participants in the system for monitoring the safety of medicines.

Our common goal is to make the drugs that available in medicine both effective and safe and therefore we are constantly conducting evaluation of medicinal products on a regular basis.

In many countries - including Poland - doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives have a legal obligation to report adverse reactions to drugs. Such data can also be provided by other people pursuing medical professions e.g. paramedics and pharmacy technicians. Nowadays, patients, their families, and caregivers can also report adverse reactions to medicines.

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