Disclosure Code

Disclosure Code is a self-regulation of the innovative pharmaceutical companies associated in INFARMA. It defines the rules for providing information on cooperation between signatory companies and medical profession representatives and healthcare organisations.

Disclosure Code

The Code is part of the European project which aims to increase transparency of innovative pharmaceutical companies' cooperation with the medical community. It was prepared by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), which is represented in Poland by INFARMA. The provisions of the Code are implemented simultaneously by 33 affiliated associations and EFPIA member companies.

According to the Disclosure Code, all cooperation agreements of the signatory companies of the Code with the medical profession representatives and healthcare organizations, effective from 1st January 2015, shall include an additional consent form to share personal data.

In June 2016, signatory companies for the first time published disclosure reports on their websites.

More about the Disclosure Code at: www.kodeksprzejrzystosci.pl

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