Code of Good Practices

Maintaining high ethical standards, in 2008 the innovative pharmaceutical industry adopted the Code of Good Practices for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Maintaining high ethical standards, in 2008 the innovative pharmaceutical industry adopted the Code of Good Practices for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

This document sets standards for: the promotion and advertising of medicinal products, the organization of symposia, congresses and other scientific meetings, the administration of research and the collaboration with representatives of medical professions and patients' organizations.

The Code of Good Practices for the Pharmaceutical Industry is based on the Code of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). All innovative pharmaceutical companies in Europe are required to comply with it. The Code is also open to other businesses of the pharmaceutical industry and to organizations associating such enterprises.

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INFARMA Code of Good Practice (valid from 01/01/2021) 2,46 MiB
Code of Good Practice (valid until 01/01/2021) 0,6 MiB
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