
26th March 1993 the Association of Representatives of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies (Stowarzyszenie Przedstawicieli Innowacyjnych Firm Farmaceutycznych – SPIFF) was registered in the Warsaw Regional Court. A few days later, at the SPIFF headquarters, the first General Meeting took place which approved the Articles of Association, elected the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the Disciplinary Court. 5th May 1993 the Association officially notified the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of its existence.

In September 1994 SPIFF joined the Polish Chamber of Commerce and two years later the Director of the Association became a member of the board of PCC.

Since 1994 SPIFF has cooperated with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) in Brussels and in May 2004 it became a full member. SPIFF was also a part of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) based in Geneva.

In August 2006 the member companies of the Association of Representatives of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies established the Employers' Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA.

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