
Indirect costs in health technology assessment. Methodology, a pilot study and recommendations

Poland is among countries with the highest sickness absenteeism in Europe, but the effectiveness of therapy and medical expenses in connection with indirect costs are still not being analysed in our country. A pity, because they often exceed the direct costs associated with the disease, and thus - generate losses to the national economy. Development and application of a comprehensive and unified method of counting indirect costs should be an important element of strategic thinking on public spending in healthcare.

Bearing the above in mind, the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA commissioned HTA Consulting firm to prepare the report "The indirect costs in health technology assessment in Poland". The aim of the report is to present the methodology of evaluation of indirect costs in the analysis of health technology assessment and conducting a pilot study for a specific disease entity.

INFARMA is of the opinion that there is a great need to increase access to innovative therapies in Poland. As a result, the effectiveness of treatment would increase, and thus spending in other areas would decrease – spending borne not only by the NHF, but also other institutions financed by taxpayers, for example ZUS.


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