
The impact of the Act on reimbursement of medicines on patient access to medication, the budget of the National Health Fund and the pharmaceutical industry. Regulatory Impact Assessment.

Two years following the entry into force of the Act on reimbursement of medicines, INFARMA, as the first, undertook an attempt to analyse the impact of that law on the broadly understood healthcare system and, above all, on the patient.

Representing the companies whose business is closely linked to the quality of legislation in the area of drug policy, INFARMA decided to commission a report.  In order to achieve the most objective and comprehensive report, it was prepared by external experts: Sequence HC Partners and the Law Firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka.

On the basis of data the experts have made an assessment of the functioning of the law and pointed out potential directions of change. The authors of the report recommend e.g.: Increasing the availability of medicines for patients, simplifying the reimbursement system and making the decision-making process more transparent.

The impact of the Act on reimbursement of medicines on patient access to medication, the budget of the National Health Fund and the pharmaceutical industry. Regulatory Impact Assessment.

Two years following the entry into force of the Act on reimbursement of medicines, INFARMA, as the first, undertook an attempt to analyse the impact of that law on the broadly understood healthcare system and, above all, on the patient.

Representing the companies whose business is closely linked to the quality of legislation in the area of drug policy, INFARMA has decided to commission a report.  In order to achieve the most objective and comprehensive report, it was prepared by external experts: Sequence HC Partners and the Law Firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka.


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